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Underwood Horse Medicine Topical Wound Spray

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  • Extraordiniarily fast healing
  • Can be used on horses, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, and cattle
  • Easy to use and versatile

Underwood Horse Medicine is a topical wound spray for minor and major cuts, punctures, rips and tears of the flesh. Although Underwood Horse Medicine was developed for horses, it's amazing healing properties have been successful on other farm and ranch animals such as dogs, cats, goats, sheep, cattle and even ostriches.

Size: 16 oz
SKU 60028
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Delivery time

Arrives in 3-4 Business Days

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This item can be returned 30 days after delivery.

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Meet the Manufacturer

Meet the Manufacturer

Underwood Horse Medicine is a family owned business operating out of Wynnewood, Oklahoma for the last 30 years. We provide a safe and effective wound care product that is reliable, economical, and easy to use. We will do everything in our power and within our knowledge to help you and more importantly help your animals. We’ve seen some unbelievable injuries healed with the medicine and are very excited to continue to provide the equine community with a wound care option that is effective and affordable.