
TSN PRO Crisps Goldfish

MSRP: $10.97 - $33.38
$6.57 - $24.24
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Ships to most states in 4 days or less. Expect delays during the holidays.
Size:0.60-Ounce (17 g) TetraPro Goldfish Crisps are a nutritionally balanced

premium daily staple food for your goldfish. This advanced nutrition diet

feeds cleaner than ordinary flakes and leaves less waste in the aquarium. Each

goldfish crisp is made using an exclusive low-heat process that preserves

essential vitamins for a healthier, more nutritious diet. TetraPro Goldfish

Crisps float longer than ordinary flakes to allow fish more time to eat. This

formula provides support for fishs immune systems with a precision-crafted

nutrient blend including biotin. An optimized protein-to-fat ratio helps fish

metabolize food more efficiently, reducing waste in the aquarium. Each species

has different feeding requirements. Consult your local pet store for specific

instructions for your fish. In general, feed two to three times daily, only as

much as your fish can consume within three minutes. Since 1951, Tetra has

developed the worlds most comprehensive body of fish food knowledge, and

fishkeeping enthusiasts have looked to the brand for products and solutions

that add ease and beauty to their home. Whether you're an experienced hobbyist

or just starting out, Tetra has everything you need from a large variety of

quality fish food and innovative equipment to test kits and decor.